Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for February


In Alberta, we like to warm up February by celebrating love, first on Valentine’s Day and then on Family Day. This month, as we remember and appreciate those we love, let us also recognize and appreciate those who show us their love – our volunteers, frontline, and essential workers. Take a moment this month to show your appreciation and gratitude to someone who is working hard to keep you and your family safe or make sure you have great activities available to you. A smile, a word of thanks, a note, or other small gesture can completely make their day. Show them you notice their efforts and that you care.


Our rinks have been looking great again this year, thanks to the efforts of Bob Hall and his crew of Rink Rats, who have been regularly grooming and flooding the ice on the shinny rink and pleasure rink to keep them in good condition for your enjoyment. Round up your skates and family or friends and come out to enjoy the great ice on rinks – there is no charge for their use. Please remember to keep your distance from other skaters and observe all COVID-19 guidelines.

Family Winter Skate

We would like to thank everyone who was excited to come out for the January 15th Deer Ridge Family Skate. Unfortunately, we had to cancel this year’s event to be in compliance with updated risk management guidelines for COVID-19. We’re grateful for your support and interest in this year’s event and we look forward to seeing you at the Family Skate in 2023.

Community Association Events for 2022

The Board has been hard at work planning some additional events for 2022. Watch the website, the newsletter, and the community email blasts for updates and details for these special events:

April 9 – Easter Egg Hunt

June 19 – Neighbour Day Carnival

August 20 – Movie in the Park

December – Christmas Decoration Contest

Winter City of Calgary Cart Placement Tips

Follow these tips to keep your cart collection safe and on schedule this winter:

  • Clear snow and ice to put your carts on even ground. Don’t place carts behind or on top of snowbanks.
  • Leave enough space around your carts so you can easily walk between and around them.
  • Store carts in a sheltered spot and move them out on collection day so they don’t freeze to the ground. Move carts back by 7:00 pm on collection day.

Clear snow off your carts and keep lids closed. Snow in your blue cart ruins quality recyclables and makes them difficult to sort at the facility, meaning they can’t be turned into new products.

Prevent food and yard waste from freezing to the inside of your green cart. Use compostable bags or place crumpled newspaper or a pizza box at the bottom of the cart.

Learn more at

Homeowners Roofing Replacement Rebate

Has your roof suffered hail damage over the last few seasons of severe summer storms? Perhaps you’re planning to replace the roofing on your home this year. Did you know that the City of Calgary has a $3,000 rebate program for eligible homeowners who have been replacing their roofing with a Class 4 impact-resistant product? If you replaced your roofing after June 21, 2021, or are planning to do so, you may be eligible for the rebate. More info here:

And here:

Things To Do with the Kids (Or the Young at Heart) in Calgary

Are you looking for something different to do that won’t break the bank? Here are some ideas for you:

Sledding and Tobogganing – Calgary has City maintained hills for some outdoor fun. There are three in our area, with the Maple Ridge dry pond being the closest.

Pond Skating – Carburn Park is nearby and has, along with pathways, benches, and picnic tables, a City maintained pond with outdoor skating:

Fish Creek Park – Has a free Family Nature Experiences afternoon in the park on the fourth Saturday of every month. These afternoons feature a variety of interactive, guided, and self-directed activities. Enjoy a campfire to warm up and hear a story, snowshoeing, learning about birds, hunting for wildlife tracks, and discover the survival adaptations of local wildlife.

Devonian Gardens – Need a place to warm up and feel like you’re in a tropical getaway? This urban oasis features one hectare of botanical gardens, fountains, fishponds, and a playground for the kiddos.

Community Gardens

Have you noticed that racks of flower and vegetable seeds have been in the hardware stores and gardening centres for a month already? That means it’s time to do the fun part of gardening – the dreaming and planning! And while you’re dreaming and planning for the upcoming growing season, don’t forget to think about what you’re going to plant in your Deer Ridge Community Garden plot this year. Watch for an announcement in March/April that plot rentals are available and plan to plant your garden with us in the last week of May or first week of June.


Deer Ridge Community Association is looking for volunteers. Do you have skills you would like to put to use to help your community this spring? Maybe you have an hour or two a week, or a month, and would like to help Deer Ridge be a vital and an exciting place to live. If you would like to get involved with others who want to make a difference, please connect with us at [email protected].

Upcoming Board Meetings

Deer Ridge CA Board meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of the month. Meeting locations are announced on the website. Residents with a current Deer Ridge Community Association membership have voting privileges. If you wish to attend a meeting, please contact us in advance at [email protected] or call/text 404-606-7331.

Plan on attending an upcoming meeting, to learn more about what’s happening in your community. Dates are as follows:

  • February 15, 7:00 pm, location TBA
  • March 15, 7:00 pm, location TBA
  • April 19, 7:00 pm, location TBA