Beddington’s March Message from the Board

Beddington mb

“Community Associations have the unique ability to mobilize, support, and interact with their residents to improve neighbourhood life in Calgary. Every day they make significant contributions to the health and well-being of your community. Community Associations exist in every neighbourhood in Calgary – they are non-profit organizations run by your neighbours and other volunteers that connect you, act as a voice for your area, and offer you endless opportunities close to home.” [Federation of Calgary Communities website]

Cowboys Casino March 4 and 5

By the time you read this, many volunteers have stepped up to work for our fundraising Casino. Several had helped us in past Casinos. Some are Beddington residents. Surprisingly, some come from other communities. They are truly “Beddington heroes” for signing up during a pandemic. We cannot thank them enough. We want to thank Karl, our Casino Chairperson, who achieved the almost impossible by organizing a full slate of volunteers. We also owe a huge thanks to Casino Advisors: Rhonda, Sandra, and Cory, who showed us the ropes. Beddington programs, projects, events, and so much more are possible because of them.

Join Our Flock!

Not a member yet? Annual membership is only $20 per year.

You may be surprised what BHCA is up to! Naturally, we can’t wait to gather in person for neighbourhood events. In the meantime, Reimagine Beddington (planning for outdoor spaces), the Community Garden (planning to build garden boxes this spring), the Book Club, and our Board all meet on Zoom. Everyone is welcome. Event/project information is online at

Help Wanted: BHCA Board Members

Members at Large: Members at Large participate in our two-hour Board meetings (9 per year.) They do not hold executive positions, but provide their advice and ideas, and vote on motions. Members at Large can choose to get involved in projects or events but are not obliged. The interests and skills of everyone on the Board add to BHCA’s effectiveness. Therefore, we gain so much with every new Member at Large!

We wish everyone a happy and healthy March!

Jennifer, Bonnie, Melisa, Janet, Wendy, Courtney, and Diane