Signal Hill’s President’s Message for May


Hello Signal Hill Neighbours,

Lots of activity recently with a community info session, two contests, and a big fundraiser. All the latest updates as follows …

Crime Prevention Open House

Our March 30 online Crime Prevention Open House, presented by Constable David Prajoux of the Calgary Police Service, contained many useful tips on crime prevention for residents of Signal Hill, and was very well received by all attendees. The link to the full video of this session can be found on our website at

Photo Contest Winners

Once again, this year we received many great community-based photos as part of our Third Annual Photo Contest. The winning photos are contained in this publication, with the winner being the cover photo – a bit out of season, but it was such a great shot that we just had to display it. Summary of winners and the great prizes donated by local businesses as follows …

1st Prize: Roxanne Ward for “Rink at Sunset” – $300 Vistek Gift Card donated by UniqEnergy Solutions.

2nd Prize: Daniel Choi for “City of Light” – $75 Cactus Club Gift Card donated by the Cactus Club, and a bottle of wine donated by Cork Fine Wine.

3rd Prize: Bryce van Sluys for “View from the Numbers” – $50 Earls Gift Card donated by B&L Pipeco.

U12 Prize: Chelsea He for “Path to Learning” – $50 Mastermind Toys Gift Card donated by SHCA.

Pedalheads Contest Winners

Thank you to all members who submitted an entry for our Win a Free Pedalheads Bike Camp Contest. Congratulations to Lisa Yungwirth and Kelly van Sluys who each won a voucher for a free bike camp worth $350.

We may hold another one of these in June, so stay tuned to our website,

Casino Volunteer Thank You from Fundraising Director Gord Vogt

Another successful Casino was held on April 3 and 4. A very dedicated group donated their time and energy (and sleep) to raising funds required to run our community for the next 18 to 24 months. Their names in alphabetical order are: Alice L., Andrea L., Anna M., Brenda B., Brian L., Brian T., Caroline K., Cathy T., Curtis L., Diane K., Doug P., Gerry L., Jacqueline C., John G., Jorge R., Judy R., Karen V., Kate N., Ken M., Kevin S., Kyra B., Laurel M., Laurie W-T., Linda V., Margaret M., Martin W., Peter W., Shirley W., Suzanne J., and last but not least, Vern M. Another group of volunteers put themselves “on call” to be available in case COVID or something else got in the way – Alice L., Avinash P., Ron W., Shauna R., and Param S. If you recognize your neighbour’s name in these lists, please make sure to thank them and ask them about their experience.

A special draw was made for Casino Volunteer Appreciation Gift Certificates. The winners were Diane K. ($75 gift card for Cactus Club Café donated by Rob Lougheed, Westrock Energy Consultants), and Curtis L. ($50 gift card for Earls donated by Randy Mein, B&L Pipeco Services).

Of special note, Anna M., owner of CycleBar Strathcona, who lives outside of Signal Hill, volunteered for a shift. Just a reminder to support local businesses because they support us.

Brian Lawrence

Signal Hill Community Association

[email protected]