Highland Park Planning and Development Report for June

Highland cn

by D. Jeanne Kimber | [email protected]

Following approval of land use change application LOC2021-0187 by Council on April 12, the development permit for a 5-plex at 3404 3 St NW was approved on April 14. The file reference is DP2021-0979. The Association was informed that the design plans were amended to include enhanced landscaping, and improved building articulation and exterior finishes. It should be noted that no secondary suites are allowed in the M-CG land use.

The Development Permit application for a mixed-use building at 115 36 Avenue NE combining residential with commercial uses was approved on May 3. The building design offers three ground level commercial/retail units, five unique residential units above, and rooftop patio space for residents including a small running track. The file reference is DP2022-00939.

A new land use change application for R-CG at 3903 2 St NW has been filed. Comments to the City can be filed until June 4. The developer wishes to build a 4-unit rowhouse with basement suites. Most of the suites would be facing 38 Avenue NW. The file reference is LOC2022-0071. To provide input, search for the property address at developmentmap.calgary.ca.

Another new land use change application for R-CG has just been submitted to 3424 Centre B St NW. The Association has not been notified about this application yet, and no further information is available at this time.

The public hearing for the land use change to M-CG for the property at 4320 Centre A Street NE will be heard by City Council on June 7. The file reference is LOC2021-0188. A Development Permit (DP) Application to allow construction of a 4-plex on this property has also been made and is still under review. The file reference for the 4-plex is DP2022-00977. Any residents who wish to make a submission to Council on this matter should indicate their intention to do so at least a week prior to the Council Meeting.

A land use change application for M-CG has been submitted for the property at 116 43 Avenue NE and is currently Under Review. No plans have been filed at this time for a development permit.

LOC2021-0175 for a land use change to R-CG at 457 33 Avenue NW was approved by City Council on May 10. This change will allow the construction of a 4-unit rowhouse with suites. It should be noted that this land usage conforms to the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan, but the Community Association had recommended the change be limited to R-CGex, which would have disallowed the secondary suites.

LOC2022-0007 at 404 33 Avenue NW is an application for a land use change to R-CG to enable construction of a rowhouse, it is still under review. We understand that the developer intends to amend their application to R-CGex. This revised land use would disallow basement secondary suites in the rowhouse.

The Community Association questioned the ease of access to garages off the laneway, landscaping, and the lot coverage for the proposed 4-plex at 308 32 Avenue NE. The application is still under review by the city. The file reference is DP2022-00854.

With respect to the proposed land use change at the nearby Foster’s Garden Funeral Home on 3220 4 St NW, the application is intended to enable this business to construct an add-on pavilion. The funeral home was zoned according to an older land use bylaw, and the City has recommended a land use redesignation that allows funeral homes under the current land use bylaw.

We hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable Victoria Day weekend!