The Temple Community Association is a vibrant, respectful, inclusive organization that promotes community involvement and pride in OUR community. It is run by a group of dedicated volunteers for the benefit of the businesses and residents of Temple. The Temple community hall contains both large and small meeting places that play host to a variety of community groups. The Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, first aid, babysitting courses, and a preschool are just a few of the groups and activities that take place in the hall. The community association also maintains a tennis court, an all season rink, and a basketball court. A number of sports programs are facilitated through the community association, including a popular adult slo-pitch league. Temple also hosts a number of special events, including monthly dances for adults and jellybean dances for children. The popular Temple Days, which consists of family fun events, take place annually at the beginning of June. Temple is also a participant in SAIT’s Community Access Program, which enables residents to access the internet.