Coach Hill’s Volunteer Callout for April 2023

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Volunteers Needed! Help Us Make Our Community a Great Place to Live, Work, and Play!

Do you have five hours a month to give to a fulfilling volunteer role while you build more fun in your community? We’re looking to fill a few roles on the board: Vice President, Membership Director, and Communications Director.

The Vice President works closely with the rest of the executive team to oversee the whole board. This role requires organization and commitment but is very dynamic, with duties including volunteering for events, to chairing committees, to working with volunteers and other board members to fulfil their roles. The VP can also hold another director role such as Memberships or Communications.

The Membership Director’s main role is to oversee our Membership Database and communicate with current and prospective members to maintain solid connections with the community. If you’re organized and good at building relationships this is a great opportunity to help build our community.

The Communications Director works with all board members to get our messages to the community. For this role, you must have experience in maintaining websites, social media, and creating written and graphic content. This is a wonderful role for a confident communicator.

Email us at [email protected], we’re happy to talk more about any of these roles, and other volunteer opportunities.