What’s Happening at the HHCA in April 2023

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Who’s excited for soccer season?! Registration is open for Huntington Hills Outdoor Soccer. Those aged three to eight can sign up for a seven-week season, starting May 2 until June 15.

The program runs two nights a week on Tuesday and Thursdays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the Huntington Hills School fields for $80 plus membership. A volunteer-driven program, we’re always in need of team managers and coaches. Already signed your little all-star up? Contact us if you’re interested in helping out!

This year’s Slo Pitch League is once again full. Contact us if you’re interested in sparing. Yoga and pickleball are still going strong, with schedules subject to change due to spring/summer demand.

With public ice skating over on March 31, drop-in roller skating will begin on May 1 for $5 or free for members. Bring your own gear and view our online calendar for up-to-date times. Be sure to also check out Hornets Lacrosse, Superleagues Ball Hockey, and Fencing Calgary for more great onsite external programming available.

New annual facility rental pricing has also been updated for the spring season. Contact Carrie for all your booking needs!

On February 16, we were visited by special guests Elder Casey Eagle Speaker and City of Calgary Indigenous Landscape Strategist Crystal Many Fingers to bless our ‘History of Nose Hill Park’ mural. Casey also stayed to share some Blackfoot storytelling and songs with Huntington Hills Out of School Care Programs. A special thank-you to our guests, as we continue to honour the historic lands of Moh’kinsstis and Turtle Island.

The Huntington Hills Curling Club has featured a flurry of awesome activities. On February 25, the club hosted #CurlingDayinCanada, busing in Calgary Centre for Newcomers Ukrainian refugees to come try the sport.

With juniors and little rocks also ending at the end of February, a huge thank-you to all of our volunteer coaches. We couldn’t do it without you!

The Calgary High School Curling League also completed another successful season at the club, sending three teams to provincials. Read more about the winners and how the league is helping to grow the game.

Twenty-five teams competed in the Curling Alberta Club Championship Men’s Qualifier at the club from March 9 to 12. Home team Bishop secured a B qualifier spot, advancing to Provincial Club Championships in Lethbridge from March 28 to April 2!

The annual Community Cleanup is back on Sunday, April 23 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Read on to learn more about the event and take the time review what items are and are not accepted.

Saturday, May 6 will also feature a Spring Market & Art Exhibit from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Save the date, shop local, and pick up a Community Food Truck item. With limited vendor spaces, inquire if selling space is still available. Free entry for guests!

Lastly, the wait is over…Huntington Hills Summer Camp registration opened April 1! With a range of weekly activities available for those in kindergarten to grade 6, and youth aged 12 to 16, see this year’s full line up of activities. With registration filling quickly, contact Cassandra and Sarah at [email protected] or 587-