West Hillhurst: General Manager’s Message – April

WestHillhurst cn

Dear WHCA Community,

The HVAC project as well, as the road repair on 19 Street NW are completed. All that is left for us to do is to move the dirt. Once the snow is gone this will be done. Thank you for your patience. Believe me it tested ours.

We are needing volunteers for some events coming up:

• Our 75th Anniversary celebration

• Work on the Zen Memorial Garden (in memory of David Quaintance) – May 6 and 7

• Casino June 26 and 27

July and August we will be pulling out the ice to do some work on the compressors in the plant room.

September will be the re-opening of the upstairs member lounge restaurant. We are all excited for this to happen.

WHCA would like to thank all those community members who have purchased the yearly community membership and are enjoying the benefits offered by companies in our community as well as the programs, classes, and community events. Please talk to your friends and neighbours about getting the membership and helping to support the community and building.

Thank you,

Bryan Polak

General Manager

[email protected]

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