186th Ranchlands Scouts Group – April


It’s finally officially spring, and the youth and Scouters of our 186th Ranchlands Scouts Group are gearing up for outdoor adventures. We’re excited to have our Family Camp booked for June 2 to 4. This is a chance to bring all our sections and families together for a weekend of Scouting fun, and it’s a highlight of the year for many of our kids.

This month was all about Kub Kars and Beaver Buggies. The kids had a great time designing, cutting, sanding, and painting their racers, getting ready for our upcoming Kub Kar Rally in April. It’s a tradition in the Scouting movement, and it was great to see the older, experienced youth offering advice on what worked and what didn’t to our new members. We also wanted to give a big shout out to our families and youth who cleaned the rink off on Tuesday, February 28 after a big snowfall – I know our local skaters appreciated it after that big snowfall at the end of February.

We want to thank our Ranchlands residents for their support of our March 18 bottle drive. These are so important to our Group – they provide the anchor funding for our program, allowing the Beavers and Cubs to get out and try new adventures, like climbing, paddling, and camping. Next up is our WestJet raffle fundraiser – keep an eye out for information or talk to your neighbourhood Beaver or Cub to find out more. Our last bottle drive for the season will be May 3.

We are currently reaching out through our organization and community looking for new volunteers for our Beaver and Scout Sections, and our Group Committee. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to [email protected].

Yours in Scouting,

Tara Barnett

186th Ranchlands Scouts