Eau Claire’s Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting – May 2023

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Eau Claire Community Association Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting

The ECCA is the official voice of the Eau Claire community. Input from residents is vital to help ensure our community’s ongoing strength and prosperity. Come for an update on projects and news affecting the neighbourhood and join the conversation.

Annual General Meeting

Thursday, June 22

Registration at 5:30 pm. Meeting starts at 6:00 pm.

Location to be determined – watch this space next month and check out the webpage.

Special Meeting

To update and replace Bylaws.

Both Blackline and Redline versions of the By-laws will be posted on EauClaireCA.com.


• Presentation from Ward 7 City Councilor Terry Wong

• Update on Eau Claire Area Improvements Program

• Update on the LRT Green Line

• Reports from ECCA President and ECCA Treasurer

• Updates on Eau Claire Planning and Development projects

• Review of proposed By-law updates

• Election of new ECCA Directors

• Wine and cheese reception

Click here to the Eau Claire Community News home page for the latest Eau Claire community updates.