Renfrew President’s Message

Renfrew cn

It’s time for our annual Stampede Day! On July 8, it’s the biggest event of the year at the community hall. If you have not yet attended, it is a must, and if you have attended, you can attest to the good times that are had. We invite all Calgarians to attend!

The day starts out with a free Pancake Breakfast, served from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Pancakes, sausage, and baked beans will be served. The fast-track line is for those who are either RCA members (this is a good time to renew or purchase your membership in the community) and/or those who bring their own reusable plates and utensils. There will be a DJ in the morning taking requests and playing country music. Come enjoy breakfast with your neighbours!

The Outdoor Saloon will open at 3:00 pm with the Canteen at 4:00 pm serving up BBQ burgers and pre-packaged items (those that you usually see at the Jellybean Dance).

The Annual Horseshoe Tournament registration opens at 3:00 pm. Teams must be registered by 3:30 pm or they will not be eligible to play. The winner takes the pot as each team puts in $20 as an entry fee. Matches will start at 3:45 pm sharp!

Live music starts sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 pm. We can dance and enjoy a night under the summer skies!

Of course, this huge event could not be run without a number of volunteers, so please check out what jobs are open through our website,, if you can volunteer. The more help the better! We can always use hands cooking pancakes, BBQing at the Canteen, selling tickets, and so forth. We also need volunteers to flip the setup from Breakfast to Canteen and Saloon, and if you attend to this, you will get an extra free drink ticket on the RCA! All volunteers receive a meal, drink, and snack ticket for the evening events.

Look forward to seeing y’all there!

Mary Grace Linton

President of the Renfrew Community Association

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