Upcoming Events and News

Parkland cn

• Dates: August 5, 12, and 26

• Note: On August 19, Shirley’s Greenhouse will be at the Park96 parking lot

• Times: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

• Location: Parkland Hall

Parkland Community Association’s First Annual Volunteer Tea

Without the time and effort of our volunteers, our events could not take place. In recognition of our volunteers, the community association hosted a volunteer tea at the hall on June 10. Sandwiches, tea, coffee, and desserts were served to the attendees followed with a thank-you speech given by our board President, Darren Way. Thank you to the organizing committee of Erika Diaz, Janice Schneider, Pat Teed, and Karen Connolly who donated their time, china, and silverware to make this a special occasion.

Parkland Parade of Garage Sales

The recent parade of garage sales held on June 17 was sponsored by Jamie Newton and Associates. We had 45 registrants who raised $280 for Parkland Cares. This amount was matched by Jamie Newton and Associates for a total of $560. Thank you to those who participated and donated.

Parkland Community Enhancement Projects

Your Parkland Community Association has embarked on a couple of beautification projects in conjunction with the City of Calgary for 2023. The community applied for and was awarded two grants, the first being the Inspired Neighbourhoods Grant, which was used to update the planters along Parkland Boulevard. The planter project was initiated as a pilot project a few years ago and was so well received by the community that the board elected to go with a more permanent planter option. The second grant was the Arts and Culture Microgrant. This grant was used to apply graphic art to ten garbage receptacles throughout the community, concentrating on the ridge walk areas. I would like to thank the Parkland community board for their support on these grants as well as the volunteers who provided their time and expertise in making these projects a reality.

Community Casino Volunteer Recognition

Volunteers do not get paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless, and a community cannot thrive without them. Parkland is fortunate to have so many community volunteers as we hosted our primary fundraising casino and our Canada Day event.

I would like to recognize the following volunteers for their commitment to the community association in volunteering their time to our casino this year: Antoinette Ferrari, Kirsten Brandon, Jen Pedersen, Mike Brillon, Ryan Heagy, Jenn Heagy, Erika Diaz, Bill Garman, Kyra Baki, Rob Longay, Laurie Longay, Rod Anderson, Kim Semeniuk, James Parakin, Kathy Parakin, Lorrie Goulder, Pat Teed, Eric Leavitt, Launi-Ann Elliot, Peggy Schellenburg, Jim Haycock, Leanne Black, Steve Mulholland, Frank Simonfi, Leanne Leeds, Audrey Batke, Mari-Anne Godlonton, Jenna Godlonton, Kathleen Hagan, Sandy Krahn, Lisa Rivas, Mark Pollard, Sandie Melvin, Dianne Wilkinson, Derek Wilkinson, Dianne Kynaston, Lawrence Gordon, Chris Stoesz, and Lisa Gallant.

Your volunteer time will ensure that the community association can continue to operate for the next two years.

Canada Day

Parkland’s annual Canada Day went fabulously! At 10:30 am, the parades started. The kids’ bike parade started at the community hall at 10:30 am with Pedalheads bike camp volunteers leading the way. For the adults, the vintage car parade started at the Mormon church at the same time. Residents lined the route and watched from their chairs to see the cars and bikes pass by!

After the parade, people came to the hall and we had activities for the kids, a mock rodeo put on by Chutes and Boots, a bouncy castle, Canada Day face tattoos, bubbles with Josh and Antoinette, and great food (Spolumbo’s sausages, hot dogs, and refreshments).

Thank you to our elected officials and local businesses who joined our event. MLA Myles McDougall came and set up a table with bottled water, cupcakes, and cookies, which were hungrily devoured by many! MP Stephanie Kusie attended and visited with our attendees. Green Door Preschool came and helped with the bike parade, set up a stand, and had freezies and colouring activities for the kids.

We would like to extend a big thank-you to our volunteers who planned and advertised the event; they got up early, shopped for supplies, cooked, set up the hall, and basically working tirelessly behind the scenes. They are as follows: Organizers: Erika Diaz, Lana Bedard, and Mary Simon Johnston. Volunteers: Mari Anne Godlonton, Royce Leal, Darren Way, Antoinette Ferrari, Josh Allen, Sunil Bagwe, Michael Vaters, Pat Teed, Michelle Haist, Karen Connolly, Krista, Colton, and Connor Haight, Blake Robinson, Ryan Gaudet, Steve Mulholland, Lisa Gallant and Jay, Carolyn Kaytor and Jayne, Kate and Mike Benham. Car Parade Organizers: Leanne Black and Chris Stoecz. And last, a thank-you to our parade participants; the cars were wonderful and everyone had fun. See you next year!

Knitting in September at the Hall!

Knitting Lessons on Saturday mornings from 10:00 am to noon.

• Dates: September 9, 16, 23, and 30

• The cost is $50 and community membership is required.

• Drop-in is now available. If you want to come for partial attendance, the charge is then $14 per drop-in. If you do not have a membership, one can be readily purchased from the office. The cost is $25.

• To register, email the hall at [email protected].

If you have any questions regarding suitable projects, or any questions at all, feel free to email the hall at [email protected] or call 403-278-5330.

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