Connecting Glenbrook This September

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Join us on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at the Glenbrook sport court. Beginners are especially welcome on Fridays. Equipment, instruction, and encouragement are provided. Weather and court conditions may affect the schedule.

Contact Grace at [email protected].

Book Club

At last, we are reading the third book in Alka Joshi’s trilogy, The Perfumist of Paris. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 20 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm in the Glenbrook Hall board room – enter through the back door.

Our book for October will be A Gentleman’s Murder by local author, Christopher Huang.

Contact Grace at [email protected].

Coffee Social

Join your friends and neighbours on Friday, September 22 from 10:00 to 11:30 am at the Glenbrook Hall. Enjoy refreshment and fellowship.

Contact Sharon at [email protected].

Knitting and Crafts

Happy autumn, everyone! I hope you all had a great summer. Mine was filled with gardening and family. Now it is time to celebrate the fall by getting together to knit, crochet, or craft again. We will be meeting on Wednesday, September 27 at 7:00 pm in the Glenbrook Hall board room – enter through the back door. All ages are welcome.

Contact Ruth at [email protected].

Fun and Games

We are modifying this activity to encourage wider interests. If you have a game you would like to play, and would like others to play it with, let us know and we will add it to our rotation and advertise it. Whether it is chess, canasta, checkers, backgammon, bridge, or the selection of games we already have available, we can find a place for it. For example, we have a group that is playing mahjong with an instructor, and we welcome others to come and learn the game as well. Guests are also welcome to sit and chat, knit, etc. while enjoying refreshments. The content will conform to the interest shown.

We will meet on the second Friday afternoon of each month beginning with October 14, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

Contact Pat or Gordon at [email protected].

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