Brentwood’s Community Garden Update for February


by Cynthia Sim

A brilliant winter solstice sunrise greeted us at the advent of the season. The weather has been unseasonably mild for this time of year, with little snow cover for our yards and gardens and very poor conditions for any outdoor ice rinks. However, February is with us now and there is a very slight lengthening of our daylight hours accompanied by brilliant sunshine and blue skies. Cooler weather may be here, but it is time to think about our garden plans for the upcoming season. Seed catalogues are probably out now, and seed packets are in abundance at the garden centres.

Most of last season’s garden members have already renewed their garden beds for this year, but we will still have many beds available for newcomers. So, if you have friends who might be interested in joining us, they would be very welcome.

New garden memberships for this gardening season will be available this month, so renewal of the Brentwood Community Association (BCA) membership will also be available. The BCA membership can be renewed online but the garden membership has to be processed through the BCA office as the number of available garden beds is limited.

We hope to complete more repairs on some of the deteriorating bed frames early in the spring before planting begins. More information on this issue will be forthcoming. Think spring!

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