Willow Ridge Community Association February President’s Message


Every year, an incredible amount of effort goes into making our community gardens, courts, rinks, and soccer fields a success. Our outdoor facilities have thousands of users each year, ranging from the daily use of kids from RT and Maple Ridge to people who drive in from other communities to enjoy our rink, which has one of the best ice crews and some of the best ice conditions in the city.

We are constantly investing in our facility, as you have all seen from our recent tennis court resurfacing, garden expansion, and new sea can mural, but there are still assets that are aging and need to be enhanced, like our parking lots and baseball diamond, and there are many needs we have heard from our facility users, such as the need for shade in the summer.

Good investment needs vision and planning, so in the fall of 2023, WRCA contracted Dialog Designs to help us create a future state vision for our fields. In November, we ran an open house with Dialog, where over 30 people from our community came to participate in a workshop. We also gathered additional feedback from over 60 people via online surveys and social media forums.

WRCA is now in the final stages of working with Dialog on the final conceptual model and we hope to have this new vision released to our community in the next month or so. Our work with Dialog would not be possible without the support from Parks Foundation Calgary, who has been a key partner with us on our garden expansion, playground rebuild, and now our new future state vision. If you want to be part of the team that helps us realize the vision, contact me at [email protected].

Jason Carling

Willow Ridge Community Association President

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