2024 SBHCA Kids’ Soccer and T-Ball Registration is Opening Soon!


by Laura Butynets

Hello Springbank Hill families! As the SBHCA Soccer and T-Ball Program Coordinator, I am excited to let you know that registration will be opening on February 1, 2024.

For eager parents wanting to register their children for soccer, the season will run for eight weeks, from April through June. Sign up will begin online at springbankhill.org in February. Please note that you will need a current SBHCA residential membership to sign up your children for soccer.

I encourage parents to sign up for volunteer duties when you are registering your child for the program online (you will see a section for volunteer opportunities). One of the primary roles we will be looking to fill is coach. Lesson plans will be included for each practice and the goal is to have two coaches per team so there is less pressure to be at every practice.

Additionally, we are looking for a volunteer to help organize and coach T-Ball this spring in order to offer T-Ball as part of our programming. If you are interested in this position or another role, please reach out to me by emailing [email protected]. Without volunteers, this program cannot be a reality, so please sign up.

I look forward to seeing you and your children out on the field this year!

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