Edgemont’s Rink Report for February

Edgemont cn

As I write it is going to be another day with sun and above zero temperatures, but it is dropping below zero overnight and is supposed to cool off in January. Your ice makers at the rink have been having a hard time getting ice set due to the balmy temperatures. Despite Mother Nature not cooperating we managed to get most of the sheet and the kiddy sheet in before Christmas. A lot of evening floods and day floods any time the temperature hovered around freezing.

I hope we get an extended season given the late start. A few reminders for users. You use the rink at your own risk, helmets are strongly recommended. If you scrap and clean the ice please throw the snow over the boards, snow left along the boards on the ice sheet tend to freeze up leaving rough ice and makes the work of the ice rink volunteers more difficult. Share the ice, if little kids want to play then the older players should play half sheet. The little kiddy rink is for the learn to skate crowd and small children, please do not play hockey on that rink.

Also, as this is a public child friendly venue in a city park, no alcohol drinking is allowed, and you should not bring glass containers to the rink. Use the garbage cans, respect your fellow users and the rink volunteers, and help keep the rink neat and tidy.

Your rink icemakers, all community volunteers.

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