HPCA Seniors Luncheon Recognition

Highland cn

by Rosalind Kohut

Highland Park Community Association Seniors Luncheon is an event put on by HPCA and Fresh Start Recovery. Every third Tuesday of the month, seniors gather at our beautiful community centre to see their long-time friends and old neighbours.

Over the last couple of months, I have been asking our seniors, when did the HPCA Seniors Luncheons start? Well, it seems our seniors who attend our lunches today have been attending a gathering that may have started almost 30 years ago. Some of these seniors have volunteered or attended this event for years and still offer to help at their young age of 80, 90, and even 100!

On behalf of HPCA, I would like to send out a huge “thank you” to everyone who has contributed and volunteered their time, and for continuing to support our community with such a long running successful event. Also, an extra special “thank you” to Fresh Start Recovery, especially the kitchen staff, for collaborating with HPCA over the last eight years. They have helped us continue our luncheons by providing an affordable hot meal to our treasured seniors and have become an integral part of our Highland Park community.

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