HPCA’s 70th Anniversary

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This year is Highland Park Community Association’s 70th Anniversary, as we were incorporated as a society on June 21, 1954. Contact Anne at [email protected] if you have any pictures of our neighbourhood or events that we can include in a slideshow to share with the community. We’ll put together some memories of our community to show on June 19, after our AGM, and will celebrate with cake and snacks.


Wednesday, June 19 will be Highland Park Community Association’s Annual General Meeting followed by an Open House social event to meet your neighbours and celebrate our 70th Anniversary. Sign-in for the meeting will start at 6:45 pm, and we expect the social event will start around 7:30 pm. Note, only those with current memberships 30 days prior to the meeting (by May 19) are eligible to vote at the meeting. You can purchase your 2024 membership on our website HighlandParkCommunity.ca. Please RSVP to Anne at [email protected] if you plan to attend, so we can ensure we have enough snacks and cake for everyone.

Stampede BBQ and Music in The Park

Wednesday, July 10, from 5:00 to 8:30 pm. We’ll serve a low-cost meal and provide free live entertainment. There will also be a Petting Zoo, which was a big hit last time we booked them. Volunteers are needed to help make this day a success. Please sign up here: https://signup.com/go/xTzKjOm.

Click here to the Highland Park Community News home page for the latest Highland Park community updates.


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