Be Water-Wise and Create a Yardsmart Yard


As Calgary continues to experience drought conditions, we can all do our part in our yards by using water wisely. The City has a variety of YardSmart online resources and practical advice to help you establish and maintain a yard and garden that help you use less water.

YardSmart Water Conservation Tips

  • Mow less often to keep your grass five to seven centimetres high to shade the soil.
  • Avoid watering when it has rained or if there is rain in the forecast and use a rain barrel to capture and reuse rainwater in your yard.
  • Only give plants the water they need.
  • Consider replacing portions of your lawn with garden features that use less water and help absorb rainwater such as rock gardens, low water-use shrubs, or groundcover.
  • Adding rich soil and mulch to reduce evaporation from your soil.

What Kind of Plants Should I Add to My Garden This Year?

Native Wildflowers

The YardSmart native wildflower plant list is a great resource for those who want to expand their yards this year. These beautiful, low-maintenance plants are well-suited to Calgary’s current growing conditions and attract local pollinators.

Drought conditions are likely to persist in the coming years. Creating a yard that’s fit for Calgary’s climate will help it fare better during future droughts.

Visit for more information on how you can do your part to conserve water in your yard and garden. Together we can make every drop count.



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