Look Up…. Waaay Up Montgomery!

Montgomery cn

It is written that an appearance of osprey in your life indicates a visit of the spirit in the form of the Beacon, coming to guide you back to a place of safety or security, or to a feeling of groundedness.

I have been spending time out front this summer, interacting in a casual space with our various clients and program providers at the MCA Centre. And chatting with our osprey.

With the watermain break and subsequent frantic repairs, there have been a few new drone shots taken of our front yard. They have given me some empathy into what our local mating pair of ospreys might see. Well, maybe not fully, as their vision definition is typically 60 times ours. But… close.

We are not in Kananaskis, where our energy companies create numerous platforms to ensure safety for returning pairs. The two (plus!) residing beside the centre’s front door are about to lose their nesting pole, sadly. Much needed updates to the field lights were scheduled for this season, and the pipe break washed away much of the nest pole’s footing strength. It has been a respectful waiting game being played by the City and their contractors until the ospreys scoot south.

I am going to write more about these amazing creatures in upcoming Messenger issues, I am purposefully learning about them since we met. If you have history, or input, photos or stories, please do reach out and help educate me… us.


[email protected]

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