Fairview: 9PM Routine

Fairview cn

The Calgary Police Service is encouraging Calgarians to establish a 9pm Routine to help them secure their property before heading to bed. Offenders will often go down a street checking vehicles and houses for doors left open. By simply locking your door you could avoid waking up to an intruder in your home or your property missing.

The Routine Recommends:

• Removing valuables from vehicles.

• Ensuring vehicles are locked, windows are closed and if possible, parked in a garage.

• Closing garage doors and windows.

• Locking any person-doors in the garage, including those leading into a house.

• Checking that all house doors – front, back, side, and garage – are locked.

• Ensuring all windows are shut.

• Turning on an exterior light.

Adapt the routine to make sense for your home and habits.

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