A New Year with the Same Problems – Calgary Traffic in New Brighton

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We’ve all been there, throwing not so nice words towards the drivers who treat us badly in traffic. But let’s take a moment and look in the mirror to make sure we don’t do the same things we don’t like about the other drivers. We are all on the same roads, and the more graciously we share them the better people we are at the end of the day. We’ve been talking about these things year after year because we think there are some simple things that can make our driving experience better. When more of us do our part, we will see a change. We are the change, not new bylaws or the police.

Merge Lines

When you are on the main highway, and you race a car that is trying to merge, where do you think the merging car can go when the merging line ends? We see rollovers at merging lines and if you take a closer look, you will notice the majority of accidents take place at the merging lines. Please adapt your speed and be courteous and mindful at the merging lines, let’s all get home safe. Make sure your speed is different than the person trying to merge and let the merging car get safely into main traffic.

Use Your Signals

How do you tell the person next to you how you feel and what you want? By talking. How do you talk with people in traffic? By using your signals. If you think that “I saw in my mirrors there was no one behind” can justify not using your signals, think twice. Using the signals should be in the blood of every driver, even when you get out of your driveway you should, involuntarily, use the signal. How many times have people cut you off and stepped on your nerves? When you see a signal, you are aware and informed of the move that some other driver wants to make, and you can accommodate that move/change. How many times has someone slammed on the brakes for no reason and then stopped with no signal, endangering everyone around? The law and common sense say you need to use signals before you hit your brakes (except in emergencies), and make sure to use your signals when changing directions or lanes. We do not like to be told what to do but please think about these two simple things that can get us all home safely.

Thanks for your understanding and for striving to get better every day.

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