Message from the SCA Board for February

Strathcona cn

Dear Strathcona, Christie, and Aspen neighbours,

February is here, and it’s shaping up to be an exciting month in our community! As we embrace this season of connection and warmth, we want to highlight a few key celebrations and updates for our vibrant neighbourhood. We kicked off the year with a Wellness Week that was hosted right here in our community centre. Folks were able to really take pause and look inward at their health and leave with actionable items for the remainder of the year. If you participated in the program, we’d love to hear from you and consider a mid-year check-in.

As we continue on with 2025, Happy Family Day! This special day on February 19 reminds us to cherish and spend meaningful time with loved ones. It’s a wonderful opportunity to explore the many family-friendly spaces in our area—whether it’s a winter walk in our parks, some tobogganing fun with the kids, ice skating, or even just warming up with a tea in a local café.

We’d also like to take this time to invite you to consider joining the Strathcona Christie Aspen Community Association Board! As a board member, you’ll have the chance to help shape the future of our community, bring forward new ideas, and work on projects that make a real difference. Whether you’re passionate about enhancing community events, improving local amenities, or fostering connections among neighbours, your voice is needed, especially with the municipal election in the horizon.

As we plan for the year ahead, we’d love to hear from you. What would you like to see in our community? Are there events, programs, or initiatives that would bring value or joy to your family and neighbours? Your input is invaluable in helping us build a stronger, more vibrant community.

Speaking of meetings, we encourage everyone to attend our monthly board meetings, held on the third Wednesday of the month. These are open to the public and a wonderful opportunity to share your ideas or learn about ongoing projects. The next meeting is scheduled for February 20 at 7:00 pm at the community centre.

Let’s keep the spirit of community alive and growing. Your involvement, big or small, makes all the difference.

Keep warm,

SCA CA Board of Directors

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