Mid-Sun Social Seniors’ Group – March Update

MidSun cn

Welcome to March. Whether it comes in like a lion or a lamb, we are enjoying pleasant thoughts of longer days, spring weather, starting seeds, and unexpected sights like an early tulip. Although 2025 brought some adjustments in attendance and procedures for Mid-Sun Seniors, our activities (Bingo, Wiener Roast, and an additional card time) flowed smoothly.

March Events

This year, participants in all Mid-Sun Seniors’ events, excluding Pub Nites, will require a Mid-Sun membership. For details, please contact the MSCC office.

Cards and Games Social

Thursday, March 6, 13, 20, and 27, 10:00 am to Noon or 1:30 to 3:30 pm

Please join us as we play varied games and enjoy conversation with other seniors 55+. Attendance for each session is limited to 32 players. Coffee, tea, and snacks are provided. There is no admission charge. However, we encourage you to bring a donation for a local food bank. In the four weeks of January, our seniors’ group supported Hope Mission, donating 151 items, totalling 137 pounds. A new food bank distributor will be chosen for March.

Bingo at MSCC – Cash Only Event

Monday, March 10, 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Enjoy the chance to win a cash prize. We play ten games ($5 per pack of ten cards gives one card for each game). You may purchase more than one pack. A cash concession is also available. Registration is required as spaces are limited.

Pub Lunch at Cattle Baron (Sundance)

Tuesday, March 18, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

We invite you to join us for chat and delicious food. Each person is responsible for their own bill and the 18% tip (standard for all large groups). Please register at [email protected].

We are a friendly, accepting group of seniors who gather weekly to enjoy social interaction with others in our community. Our activities may include potlucks, outdoor gatherings, outings, and information sessions as opportunities arise. You are welcome to “check us out” in person on a Thursday at the Community Centre. If you require more information and registration links, please contact us at [email protected] or by phone 403- 254-8058.

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