Montgomery Manager’s Meanderings

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It is mid-February as I write this, it is minus some awful and horrible number, and I am wishing I was in my second home in Oaxaca, I gotta tell ya! The beach, the munchies, the music, the low thirties in mid-winter. Ah well, time to go skate some warmup circles on the MCA Round Rink in our south field like a good little Canadian (thank you D’Arcy and Logan and their volunteers, for making the rink look like a glass tabletop!).

I hope you all have been following my advice and getting out with friends to support the NW venues that are supporting our local live music offerings! There are a lot of choices for us now, wow! And not just the packed to the rafters weekend jams. The places near us offering mid-week live music moments are needing our help to grow… to stay afloat. Don’t say, “I shoulda coulda woulda” at a later date, when they disappear. Please do support them now!

We have our own Big Band Ballroom Dance night happening at the MCA Centre on March 22, I am very excited. And not just for the dozen piece band, but for the dance lessons before the event. I try, but like a lot of folks, I am a better “leader” elsewhere in my life! Please do join my friends as they laugh at my attempts! Tickets are easy to get, more information inside these pages.

In February, we hosted Carolyn from Green Calgary for a session on Food Waste, extremely informative. We will be bringing back this knowledgeable and friendly facilitator for some canning, pickling, and preserving free workshops in August and September. She is also in the Centre on Saturday, March 29 at 3:00 pm for a special session on composting… and the worms that make the job easy! Join us, bring your neighbours and questions.

We are excited to host the Panel Discussion night for our Greenview, Bowness, and Montgomery Neighbourhood Food Week on September 26. Much more information here in the coming months.

AHS continues hosting their Healthy Living Workshops in the centre. These are no cost and drop-in, and extremely helpful. Wednesdays, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, March 19: “Try a Little Self Kindness” and April 23: “Understanding Your Kidney Health”.

Yes, our website has been “down”. We decided to pull the plug on it early February and go from scratch. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, especially to the folks trying to sign up for our MCA Garden and Soccer programs. We will be back with a vengeance soon! In the meantime, please continue to follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and Bluesky feeds.

Our next fundraising Casino is July 16 and 17. This event covers close to 50% of our financial needs to keep our 60+ year old facility warm and dry and ready for our programming, and your events. If you have volunteered before, we would love to have you back. If you have not volunteered yet… this year is your year! Please reach out to me at [email protected].

And, wow, thank all of you for reaching out to book your special event at the MCA Centre. When I started last July, we were… struggling. Now, we are really booked! I have felt very spoiled seeing and hearing and yes, tasting, all the community love and effort that goes into hosting your events. Thank you.

I would like to take this moment to welcome the Members of the MCA Board who were elected to their positions at the February 28 AGM. This is a big role, an important part of ensuring our amazing Community Association remains focused on the needs of Montgomery residents, that we manage our resources with care, and that we have a voice at City Hall. Thank you all for your volunteer service… you are appreciated!

Have an awe-inspiring day…


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