January – Councillor Peter Demong’s Report


Greetings! It is a new year, and I am going to start it off by introducing a new format for this newsletter column.

There is so much that I want to tell you each month, but there are also many other worthwhile things that find their way onto these pages. Your local community association, and your newsletter’s editors have to make tough decisions about what to put in and what to leave out.

I usually push the boundaries of my limited space in this newsletter, but in the interest of saving space for others and making decisions easier for the editors I am going to make a change. Moving forward I will be giving you a summary of what is to come in my column, but then direct you to the full version on my website at calgary.ca/ward14newsletter.

So here it goes:

Tax Notice Mailing and Customer Review Period

It is that time of year again, and it is so important that you carefully review your tax assessment, so you can notify the assessment department of any errors during the Customer Review Period from January 4 to March 12. Read more at www.calgary.ca/ward14newsletter.

Compost your real Christmas tree

The city has been composting Christmas trees for a while now, but the addition of the green bin program has obviously added a new ripple. Read more at www.calgary.ca/ward14newsletter.

Be a Snow Angel!

If you want to keep the holiday spirit going, this is a great way. Learn how you can be part of this amazing program at www.calgary.ca/ward14newsletter.

That is all for this month. I sincerely hope you are able to visit my website to learn a little more about each of these topics.  Feel free to contact me anytime!

Happy New Year Ward 14!

– Councillor Peter Demong