

Rocky Ridge Library Is Now Open

Calgary’s newest Library opened January 15! Rocky Ridge Library at Shane Homes YMCA, in the city’s northwest, operates on a self-service model—the first express library of its kind in Calgary. Enjoy public seating, study space, innovative self-service holds lockers, and Library programs including ESL Conversation Club, Drop-In Storytime, and LEGO Club.

Discover eResources For Kids

Our E-Library has more than a dozen free eResources just for kids, including read-along storybooks, children’s eBooks, interactive encyclopedias, and an animated language learning course. You can also subscribe to personalized librarian-recommended books for kids, or get expert online schoolwork help that’s aligned with the Alberta curriculum. Explore all our free eResources for kids at calgarylibrary.ca/e-library.

Spotlight on Membership Benefits: Free Printing

Did you know your free Calgary Public Library card gives you up to $5 of free printing every month? This monthly credit allows you to print up to 50 black and white pages or 25 colour pages. Visit calgarylibrary.ca/membership-benefits to learn about more member benefits. Not a Library member? Sign up for your free Library card at calgarylibrary.ca/card or visit any Library location.

Find Free Programs for Everybody

Whether you’re a parent with young children, a newcomer looking for advice, or an entrepreneur wanting to boost your skills, we have a free program for you. Library Connect, our program guide, has information on more than 100 free programs offered at 20 libraries. Download Library Connect at calgarylibrary.ca or pick up a copy at your community library.