February – MLA Greg Clark

Calgary Elbow

In this note I wanted to update you on the key legislation passed in the fall sitting of the Legislature, and talk briefly about what I expect we’ll see in the upcoming spring session.

Last fall we passed several significant pieces of legislation, including a comprehensive update to Occupational Health and Safety regulations and to the Workers Compensation Board. I am hopeful that the new Fair Practices Office will help people navigate Alberta’s WCB system, which has been a significant challenge in the past.

Other changes of note include measures to prevent bullying and harassment in the workplace and a removal of the cap for WCB compensation.

The Legislature also updated Alberta’s election laws for the second time. They needed another overhaul because the first round of changes allowed for the rapid expansion of third party advertisers, which most of us know as political action committees or PACs. These had operated outside most of the rules that govern political parties like donation limits and disclosure regulations.

Although I was disappointed that the earlier changes the government made to Alberta’s election laws allowed for PACs to emerge, I supported the most recent changes because I believe it’s important for Albertans to know who is attempting to influence the political process.

The focus of this spring’s legislative session will be the budget. I will be pushing the government to bring spending in line while ensuring front-line services are delivered more efficiently and at high quality.

Finally, I want to assure you that although there has been a change to my status in the Legislature, I remain the MLA for Calgary-Elbow. I take great pride in working on behalf of my constituents and will continue to do so!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office any time at [email protected] or 403-252-0346.