Welcoming Jason Kenney and Alberta’s Red Tape Score

Calgary Hays

UCP Leader Jason Kenney Sworn into Legislature

On January 29th, 2018 Jason Kenney was sworn into the Alberta Legislature by Lieutenant Governor Lois Mitchell. Mr. Kenney was elected to serve as the MLA for Calgary-Lougheed following the resignation of Dave Rodney last December and will assume the role of Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. I look forward to working alongside Mr. Kenney in Edmonton in my capacity as Chief Opposition Whip. Welcome to the legislature, Jason!

Alberta Given “F” Grade for Red Tape Second Year in a Row

A report released by the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) has given the Alberta government an “F” when it comes to reducing red tape for small businesses. According to CFIB’s Alberta Director, Amber Ruddy, “red tape” refers to “all the rules, requirements and regulations that come down from the government to run the business. When we’re speaking about Red Tape, what we really mean about is the duplication, the poor customer service, the things that are not in plain language for small businesses to understand and do.”

Ruddy stated that the policies implemented by our current NDP government have failed to take any meaningful steps toward reducing red tape in the province, resulting in a failing grade for the second straight year. Meanwhile, our neighbours Saskatchewan and British Columbia received grades of A- and A respectively. I will continue fighting to reduce red tape for our province’s small businesses. You can read CFIB’s full report by following this link: https://www.cfib-fcei.ca/sites/default/files/2018-01/2018-Red-Tape-Report-Card_0.pdf

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