City Recruiting Off-Leash Ambassadors to Promote Responsible Use of Off-Leash Areas

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jchoate7 / Pixabay

With spring in the air, Calgary’s dog owners will be out enjoying our many off-leash areas more frequently and for longer periods of time. To help promote responsible pet ownership in off-leash parks, The City is once again recruiting volunteers for its Off-Leash Ambassador program.

About Off-Leash Ambassadors

Off-Leash Ambassador is a unique volunteer program that promotes responsible pet ownership, positive pet interactions and safety in off-leash areas by providing information and demonstrations to dog owners. Volunteers act as positive role models in off-leash parks to encourage owners to adhere to Calgary’s bylaws. They answer questions about how bylaws apply to off-leash areas and provide an avenue for citizens to express concerns and pass those concerns along to City staff. Volunteers also promote the services The City provides through its Animal Services centre such as animal adoption and licensing.

Ambassador Training

Off-Leash Ambassador volunteers receive training which helps them become familiar with City bylaws, canine body language, and tactics to communicate with the public.

If you are passionate about the responsible use of our off-leash areas, this may be a great volunteer opportunity. For more information, visit To ask about volunteering, contact Jennifer Lawlor at 403-268-1814.