What Calgarians Need to Know About Public Consumption of Cannabis

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TechPhotoGal / Pixabay

On October 17, recreational cannabis will be legal across Canada.

Each level of government has areas of responsibility in legalization, and in Alberta, municipalities are responsible for public consumption rules. In determining these regulations, The City of Calgary has worked hard to reflect citizen feedback while working within the federal legislation and provincial framework.

Where cannabis can be consumed in Calgary

Under Calgary’s Cannabis Consumption Bylaw, cannabis may be consumed on private property. It will be illegal to consume non-medical cannabis in any form (smoking, vaping, or edibles) in public places, except for designated cannabis consumption areas.

Council can approve designated cannabis consumption areas around the city where cannabis may be consumed in public. Residents can contact their Councillor to express interest in having a designated area in their community. Locations will be designated through a Public Hearing of Council, at which citizens may voice their support or concerns.

At the time of this writing, no designated cannabis consumption areas had been approved. As Council designates them, their locations will be available on calgary.ca/cannabis.

There are no licensed cafés or bars in which cannabis can be consumed. This may change in the future as it is addressed by the federal and provincial governments.

It’s important to understand that public consumption rules for cannabis may be different in other municipalities. For information on cannabis consumption policies, please contact municipalities directly.

Cannabis consumption will be banned in vehicles and at cannabis stores throughout Alberta.

For more details, please visit calgary.ca/cannabis.