Rosemont’s October Message from the President

Presidents Message Rosemont

A giant thank you to all the folks who braved the lousy weather to still come out to our Rosemont Startup. Thanks to all the folks who stepped up to help out. The ponies were always a hit, and our favourite Rosemont clown, Button, entertained all our little Rosemontians to start out with followed by the very fun Christopher Cool magic act and dance party.

A huge debt of gratitude goes out to all the folks who helped make this such a fantastic community event. Thanks to:

  • Mark and Michelle Petros and Nick’s Steakhouse for supplying all the hamburgers and hotdogs
  • Corinna Totino and all her volunteers from Families Matter, who provided all the kids activities
  • Button for her always entertaining show
  • Kurt, Craig, et al, for manning the barbecues
  • Diane and the gang that helped prepare all the fixings for the barbecue
  • And to everyone who helped clean things up…It takes many hands to pull something like this off, but because of all the great residents in Rosemont, we make it look easy…

Families Matter has started up their fall programming in the Hall basement for another year. They provide a variety of programs for families, all of which are open to residents of Rosemont. Please feel free to take advantage of this marvelous organization. Most programs are no cost but may require registration. More info can be found at

A ginormous thank you again to our indomitable Ian Kirkland, for his herculean effort in herding the residents of Rosemont for another successful casino. Through Ian’s effort, he navigated the maze of government bureaucracy, herded the less-than-willing volunteers into a finely running machine and now can take a well-deserved break for another eighteen months. But not to trivialize this, these casinos are an essential component of ensuring the residents of Rosemont enjoy a safe, functional and up-to-date facility in which to host our programs. I would like to stress upon all the residents of Rosemont that we need your help on these casinos. And that includes everyone from moms to seniors. Ian had to push very hard to secure the number of folks we needed, and it’s not fair for him to have to work that hard for something that benefits all of us. For our next casino, we will be sounding the volunteer horn further in advance, so we can get everyone’s help. Thanks again to Ian for a job well done!

To help keep the connection between neighbours from all over Rosemont, Jean Blackstock is organizing a Community Tea every month through to December from 10am to noon at the Hall. The dates are: October 19, November 16 and December 14. Bring a little goodie to share and we will arrange for free transportation if you need a ride…Everybody in Rosemont is welcome.

All the little ghosts and goblins will have a chance to test out their costumes at the


Saturday, October 27 at the Hall

From 5:30 – 8:30pm

Jacquie will create another spooky haunted house in the basement…

What we’re going to do is run a “not-so-haunted” house for all the little people between 5:30 and 6:30, then ramp things up to super scary from 6:30 onwards. So, folks with little ones may want to get there early. We’ll have some games, arts & crafts, Halloween goodies and food that all can enjoy. Come on out and enjoy a little Halloween fun in the comfort of the nice warm Rosemont Hall, courtesy of your RCA and Rosemont School.

I would also like to invite all the residents of Rosemont to the Annual General Meeting That will be held Tuesday, November 20 starting at 7 pm.

We will have our councilor Sean Chu along with some representatives from the City will be there to review the plans for the dog park and anything else of concern to Rosemont residents. We’ve also invited our MLA Craig Coolahan, to come out and update us on the goings-on at the legislature. Our police liaison will update us on any criminal activity in the area. And we’ll also invite the principal from Rosemont School to give us an update on everything that is going on at the best school in Calgary.

We have seen a number of new faces move into the Community this year. I would encourage all original Rosemont residents to invite some of their new neighbors to come out to the Halloween event and AGM and meet the rest of the neighborhood.

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