Diamond Cove’s November Message from the President

Presidents Message Queensland Diamond Cove

Dear Diamond Cove residents,

As I write this edition of our letter on October 1, we are set to embark upon our first snowfall of the fall\winter season. Hard to believe but certainly was quite the wet September which is typically quite nice for us. Seems like possibly the Almanac may be correct early on in their forecast for a rather nasty winter.

I do believe the post mortem assessment on our annual Parade of Garage sales was another success. The weather held up again and the traffic was a reasonable level. I would like to thank my neighbour Grace Sardo for connecting me up with Dorothea Sautter who sponsored our sale. She was a pleasure to work with and very thorough in ensuring we had good advertising. I was late connecting with her, but things worked out well!

As I returned from vacation in late August, I was not pleased to see the graffiti on the outside wall into the Cove. I know other areas within the neighborhood were tagged as well. I encourage anyone who sees suspicious activity to call the police. On that note, in attending the monthly community meetings in Queensland, our police constable has indicated that crime within Calgary is not abating. Of course, the feedback is such that as our economy struggles to grow again, crime will stay rather elevated. Be vigilant in locking your vehicles, houses and gates into your backyard. I also know many are installing surveillance cameras which is another deterrent. Of course, always watch for suspicious activity.

I did see one of our neighborhood bobcats strutting down my fence and in my front yard recently. They do become active just before dusk and then at daybreak in the morning. They have done a great job in reducing our rabbit population however be mindful of your small dogs or cats outside. They are stealthy attackers and I would hate to see a pet harmed.

I plan on convening our board very soon so will keep you informed of dialogue from our meeting later this fall\winter.


Jerry McLellan