Eau Claire’s December Message from the President

Presidents Message Eau Claire

I want to use this month’s newsletter to extend greetings for the holiday season and the New Year to all the residents of Eau Claire, whether you’re spending the season here in the community or elsewhere.

Looking back at 2018, it was another interesting year of developments for Eau Claire and your Eau Claire Community Association. Unfortunately, a slow economy has held back the development of some of the projects we have been most interested in seeing go forward, such as the renewal of the Eau Claire market. However, we did see the completion of the new West Eau Claire Park and river pathway system. This is a major upgrade to what was already one of the most important amenities in our community. And now we see more and more people from across the city coming to it and to enjoy visiting our community.

2019 will see further challenges for us as the City develops an updated centre city plan. As always, our priority as an association representing the community will be promoting and protecting the idea of Eau Claire as a residential community in a downtown setting and supporting new residential development. However, to be effective as the community’s representatives we need to continue to hear from residents. So, if you have views on how your community should develop come to one of our Board’s meetings or get in touch with us through our web site. We look forward to hearing from you in the New Year.

I would also encourage you to look for our annual skating party for the community and others on Prince’s Island lagoon coming on February 10. We were concerned that potential City budget cuts could have meant that the City would not be able to keep the lagoon open for skating this winter, but that seems to have been resolved.

In closing, I again just want to extend best wishes for the holiday season on behalf of the ECCA Board to all Eau Claire residents and your families.