Be Prepared During an Unpredictable March

first aid  e
Hans / Pixabay

The month of March is full of surprises. Here in Calgary we can get snow storms, hail storms or warm sunny days! While we can hope that this march brings warm sunny weather, it’s good to be prepared for anything with a 72-hour kit. “The first 72 hours after an emergency hits can be very hectic, and first responders may be busy assisting those in immediate danger. A 72-hour kit can support you and your family for three days in an emergency situation,” says Sue Henry, Deputy Chief at Calgary Emergency Management Agency.

Ideally you will build your 72-hour kit in a waterproof piece of luggage or container with wheels so that it is mobile and protected from the environment. Pack enough to sustain all the members of your family for three days. In your kit you will want:

  • Water (4 litres per person, per day)
  • Food (non-perishable, and a can opener if needed)
  • Medication, prescription glasses or other special needs items
  • First aid kit
  • Flash light
  • Radio
  • Powerbank and phone charger
  • Important documents
  • Cash
  • Warm clothes and blankets
  • Toiletries
  • Whistle
  • Supplies for babies and pets
  • Entertainment (books, cards, low power options)

Check on your kit every six months or when you change your clocks, to replace used items and check expiry dates. Kits do not need to be built in one day, consider adding one item to your grocery list every week and build it over time.

For more information about how to prepare your family and your home for an emergency and take the Ready Calgary course, visit