Spring with the City of Calgary

YCoC – Green Carts Spring into Weekly Collection
Green cart and composting paper bag await pick-up

Calling All Gardeners to The City’s Perennial Plant Exchange!

Welcome, spring gardeners, to the annual Perennial Plant Exchange! Bring a plant, take a plant… or bring two or three or four and take the same. Please invite others so we can grow spirited conversations!

Note: This event will be held rain or shine at North Mount Pleasant Art Centre (523 27 Ave. N.W.) from 10 a.m. to noon on May 26, 2019. Details at facebook.com/NorthMountPleasantArtsCentre.

Pothole Repair

Potholes can develop anywhere along our city’s 16,000 kilometres of paved streets and 2,900 km of back lanes in Calgary and become visible in the spring.

Repairing potholes is a priority when maintaining Calgary’s roads. Work begins as soon as temperatures reach seasonal averages and continues through the summer. Dry pavement and warm weather are needed for a lasting fix. Repairs are completed on a priority basis.

To identify pavement in need of repair, The City inspects major roads twice a month and collector roads once a month. In residential areas, we rely on citizens and City crews to report concerns. Please submit an online service request to report potholes in your community.

For more info, visit calgary.ca/potholes.

Street Sweeping is Happening in Your Community!

The City sweeps material left behind from winter operations on over 16,000 lane kilometres of paved roads, and getting the work done is a collaborative effort. We would like to thank Calgarians for their help in moving their cars from the street and their blue, black and green carts on to the curb when sweeping is scheduled.

For more information, visit calgary.ca/sweep.

Green Carts Spring into Weekly Collection Schedule

Spring has sprung, and with it comes an increase in yard waste. Weekly green cart collection will resume the first week of April.

Calgarians can visit calgary.ca/collection to find out their new green cart schedule and to sign up for free reminders including phone, email and text alerts or download the free Garbage Day app to receive notifications on their smartphones.

There are no changes to blue or black cart collection.

Calgary Landfills Move to Summer Hours

From April 1 to October 31, City landfills will run extended operating hours. All locations have a residential Throw ‘n’ Go area that accepts:

  • household chemicals and propane tanks for safe disposal
  • electronics recycling
  • clothing and textiles recycling
  • tire recycling

Visit calgary.ca/landfill for driving directions and hours of each landfill site.