Be Yard Smart

water lawn
creative2usa / Pixabay

A beautiful yard and conserving water go hand-in-hand.

During the summer, your water use can jump by 50 per cent because of outdoor watering activities. This increased demand places a strain on our rivers and treatment plants. Save water, money and time by adopting a few simple water saving tips.

  • Watch your weather forecast to determine if you should water or not. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly and skip watering when it has rained or is forecast to rain.
  • The best time to water is early in the morning. Avoid watering in the heat of the day (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.).
  • An easy way to water in the morning is to add a timer to your sprinkler or set your irrigation system.
  • Capture free rain water in a rain barrel and use it on your trees, shrubs and flower beds.
  • Use the right watering tool for the job. Keep water low and slow to ensure water reaches the plant roots and does not just evaporate.
  • Reduce mowing and watering by keeping your lawn at least 2 or 3 inches high. Taller grass shades the soil meaning it requires less water and stays healthier.

Visit for more tips and tools.

Green Cart Spring Tips

Get your yard and garden ready this spring with green cart!

  • Take your green cart with you as you garden and fill it all your leaves, grass, branches and weeds.
  • Separate it! Remove plants from bedding trays and pots before putting in your green cart. Rinse out any plastic containers and put in your blue cart.
  • Old garden hoses and broken lawn furniture can’t be recycled or composted. Put these items in the garbage.

Learn more at

Use the Right Bag for Your Kitchen Compost Pail

Some people prefer lining their kitchen pail to help it clean and tidy.

  • Bags are not required, but if you choose to use one make sure to use only certified compostable bags—check for the logos on the box.
  • You can also use old flyers and newspapers to line your green cart
  • DON’T use plastic bags in the green cart—they don’t break down and contaminate the finished compost.

TIP: Calgary Co-op’s new compostable grocery bag is okay to use in the green cart. Use it to carry your groceries home and then use it to line your kitchen pail.

Learn more at