A Citywide Strategy for All Children


Can you imagine a Calgary where all kids are supported to reach their fullest potential?

We know the early years have a huge impact on the rest of children’s lives. We want to support children from the prenatal period up to age 8. Overall, our hope is simple. We want a citywide strategy that ensures children are valued, healthy and thriving. With a citywide strategy, Calgary’s children will be able to say:

  • I have a healthy body, mind, and spirit
  • My family and community make me feel safe and stable
  • I am ready to succeed in school and other life settings

We’ve made our best first draft of what this citywide strategy could look like but know that a plan like this is strongest when it reflects the knowledge, needs, and experiences of the people it aims to support!

So… parents, caregivers, and adults that care about kids… we need YOU! Please take just a few minutes to fill out our survey and tell us about what you feel supports children’s development in Calgary, what hinders or barriers it, and what you feel needs to change! You can fill out the survey at https://forms.gle/zw6Zvf8do19dGE996 or have a digital copy sent to you directly by message [email protected]

Thank you for your input into building a city where all children are valued, healthy and thriving!

Coalitions Collaborating for Impact (CCI) consists of parents, community members, organizations and professionals who are all working together to better the lives of young children and their families. We work hard to support five important developmental areas for children based on the Early Development Instrument. We are always looking for interested parties to join our coalitions.

If you are passionate about children and their future, and would like more information about your closest early childhood coalition visit http://ecdcoalitions.org/ecca-map/