Kingsland’s December President’s Message


I am getting hints from my grandchildren for Christmas gifts. The time is sneaking up on us. Before you know it, the Christmas Eve rush will be upon us.

Thank you for all the residents who showed up at the AGM. Thank you to the amazing Board of Directors who volunteered to provide support to the community for another year. New volunteers that joined the board last year will be taking on significant positions (congratulations for stepping up). The seasoned members who have been on the board for a number of years we will guide and support them in their transaction. Thank you to Corrina, who volunteered after the AGM to fill the position of Secretary; much appreciated.

Happy holidays and a Happy New Year to you all, and to those folks who have volunteered throughout the year – a special thank you!

The festive season is about connecting and helping others. The Calgary Food Bank helps a broad community of folks who need assistance, not only Christmas, but throughout the year. The main link is for the website: and the Calgary Food Bank Volunteers link is: Contact these organizations to see how you can help.

On behalf of the KCA board, have a safe Christmas/festive season, however you chose to spend your time.

I will close with a quote: “Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” – Calvin Coolidge

Christine Dombroski

President, Kingsland Community Association