Professional Benefits of Volunteering


A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities

Adapted from Charity Village.

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to start volunteering more? Volunteering can offer so many benefits! Consider the following professional benefits of volunteering:

  1. Volunteering offers incredible networking opportunities. Volunteering in your community allows you to meet new people, including community leaders
  2. Volunteering helps you retain and sharpen old skills. Sometimes job duties change, and you may no longer be doing things you used to do and liked. Volunteering is a perfect venue for keeping those skills sharp and current
  3. Volunteering is a great opportunity to develop new skills. Employers are often seeking well-rounded individuals who have good teamwork and goal setting skills. Serving on a volunteer committee or board is a great way to learn group dynamics and teamwork
  4. Volunteering offers opportunities to practice skills in a relatively risk-free environment
  5. Volunteering can help you expand your horizons and explore new career options
  6. Volunteering gives you the satisfaction of knowing you are doing good and being involved in your community
  7. Volunteering can be energizing/renewing. Sometimes we simply need a break in our routine, or an opportunity to create a balance in our lives
  8. Volunteering can create leaders. By watching those around you, you can begin to identify the qualities of leadership that you most admire, and you can develop those qualities in yourself
  9. Volunteering demonstrates workplace skills that can be documented in a resume.

For more information about these benefits contact us at [email protected]. Contact your community association to learn about volunteering opportunities with them!