Haysboro’s April President’s Message


Dear Neighbours,

Is it possible that it’s really Spring? I also realize I didn’t get a letter written for February or March. I will be honest that I’m eyeballs deep in some fabulous work (the paying kind) but I’ve also really focused on as much rest as possible the last few months. This means long walks with the dog, a few sleep-ins, nights out with friends, and adventures with my girls. On Family Day, we went to the King Eddy for some delicious food and live music. As our girls now have two homes, holidays apart can be a challenge. I am so grateful for the support our community continues to give us in so many ways, including friends, activities, and a wonderful school.

Our community is changing too. We’re months into a local area plan process with other communities, St. Gerard’s fate is undetermined, a new brewery opened up (okay, technically Kingsland), and we continue to make updates to the hall.

I will be honest, as much rest as I’ve tried to get, I still feel overwhelmed. I’ve been on the board just shy of six years and President coming up three years. I would be lying if I said I was going to miss being President. Truthfully, I’m really ready for someone else to step into these shoes. I am so proud of the work our board continues to do and the volunteers who support us with events and activities in our neighbourhood. Our staff team is dedicated to our community. I feel overwhelmingly blessed.

I don’t know who is going to be President, but I know they will continue to do great things for our community. Of course, I will stay on the board as past president and surely find myself continuing with some work in place or stepping into a role that is less focused on the whole puzzle and instead taking a corner to work on.

As always, I encourage you to find a few pieces to put into the puzzle. We are volunteer-driven, and community-focused as an organization. Sustainability requires the many hands helping in their own talented way.
