Acadia’s August Message from the Board

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When I chat with my neighbours, friends, and family, the conversation will typically cover the weather at some point. July did not disappoint in this department and, wow, did we have some incredible weather to talk about! It started with the sheer volume of rain, the massive hail, the tornado warnings, and let’s not forget the amazing hot weather in between. It has been quite the show from mother nature and our thoughts are with all our neighbours in those communities that have been affected by these destructive forces of nature.

Speaking of shows, even though our Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth was postponed this year, I hope you were able to take in the Stampede Food Truck Rally, Mini Donut Drive-Thru, and the numerous pancake drives happening all over Calgary. Finally, let us not forget the amazing fireworks spectacular that took place. I hope you were able to get a good view and kept the mosquitoes at bay. Even though this year’s festivities were abbreviated due to the current global situation, I think the Stampede Committee did a bang-up job of getting the city out and celebrating. Yeehaw!

A little closer to home, thank you to all the participants of our colouring contest that wrapped up last month! We had lots of fun viewing and judging all the submissions; there is some serious talent in Acadia. What contest or event should we do next? Please let us know by emailing [email protected] or messaging us on our Facebook and Twitter accounts (@AcadiaToday). We are also happy to announce that the Acadia Recreation Complex will be reopening on Tuesday, August 4. All the programs and events will be gradually getting back to normal operations and just in time for one of our most important events, the Acadia Community Association Annual General Meeting. The ACA board is getting prepared for this year’s AGM, which will be held on Thursday, September 24, at 7:00 pm and will take place at our very own Acadia Recreation Complex.

To be eligible to vote at this year’s AGM, Acadia residents must complete their membership purchase by Tuesday, August 25 (30 days prior to the AGM). How do you get started? I am glad you asked; it’s very simple. You can purchase your membership instantly online at or you can go into the Acadia Recreation Complex and purchase it in person. Either method must be completed on or before Monday, August 24. You will become a voting member of the ACA 30 days after you purchase or renew your membership, no matter whether you are new to Canada, new to Calgary, or new to Acadia. This is a great opportunity to get more involved in your community and vote on the creation of your new board. We are always looking for fresh new ideas to bring our community together, so please come and bring your voice! If you want to take that community involvement to the next level, we are also looking for volunteers and board members who want to give back to their community. I am a new member of our board, so it’s never been a better time to join. This is the invitation you have been waiting for to be a part of this pretty amazing community we call home. I hope you have all had a safe and enjoyable summer so far and we look forward to meeting you in September!

Malcolm Jubinville

Director at Large