Sandstone-MacEwan’s August President’s Message

Happy Heritage Day!

The pandemic has been difficult in so many ways, including product shortages. We moved past the panic of temporarily not being able to buy toilet paper and hand sanitizer, then faced the challenge of everyone wanting to grow a garden, plant flowers, build a deck, and so on. Fortunately, it seems that has lessened, and shelves have been restocked.

So many people have taken to biking and, while it is fantastic to see, individuals needing to have their bike fixed or tuned realized they were looking at long wait times to get their bikes in. A MacEwan resident, Sven Stuwe, an avid bike enthusiast, made a very generous offer to fix and tune-up bikes for the price of a donation to Two Wheel View. Sven is one of the primary individuals involved in the promotion of Bike to School that occurs the first Tuesday in June. It is community-focused individuals, like Sven, who make Sandstone and MacEwan great communities. Sven works very closely with Two Wheel View which is a non-profit organization that runs youth development programs through refurbishing and reselling donated used bikes. Please check out their website and consider donating a bike or funds to this very worthy cause.

Have you planned ‘staycations’ this year and are you exploring the province? It is impressive to hear so many people talk about areas they have not seen since they were kids and new places they have visited. When was the last time you were at Franks Slide or Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump or the Columbia Icefield? Check out the Travel Alberta website.

The SMCA Board sponsored Yoga in the Park, that started July 8 and runs every Wednesday, 7:00 to 8:00 pm, until August 26, 2020, at Sandstone Park. The instructors are excellent and run the class so beginners, as well as experienced yogis, have a fulfilling experience. Please provide us with feedback and let us know if you would like us to continue to offer this as a summer program. A special thanks to our Treasurer, Sharon Mazurkewich, who worked closely with the City of Calgary and the yoga instructor to ensure all COVID-19 safety regulations were met. Thanks to Outdoor Yoga by Krystal and her team.

The brown bag lunch program, sponsored through Food Finder YYC, was discontinued in July as the need for bagged lunches dropped. Catrina Gomez and Calin Chidlaw were our volunteers, who took care of this program, and the SMCA Board wants to say ‘a big thanks’ for their work.

Don’t forget the SMCA Photo Contest – Every month we select one picture for the cover page of our SMCA Newsletter and also include several other pictures for inside the newsletter that showcase our great community. Submit photos to [email protected]. Pictures must be high resolution and received by the 9th of the month to get into the following month’s edition.

Please contact us on our website or our social media sites, including Facebook SMCA, Twitter @sandstonemac or Look for our occasional emails and email us at [email protected] to be included in this distribution list.

Please consider purchasing a SMCA membership. You can go to to purchase your membership online or email Carolyn Gomez at [email protected].

Sue Coatham

President, SMCA

[email protected]