Southwood’s August President’s Message


Hello Southwood!

Here we are in August. As I write this message at the end of June, things are starting to look up as we’re able to get out more and enjoy our great city and community. The Community Hall re-opened at the beginning of July to allow the 12-stepper groups to hold their weekly meetings in person. The Board has worked very hard in preparing a Relaunch Plan in response to COVID-19 to ensure renters at the Hall are being safe and keeping the transmission of this horrible virus at bay. Although the Hall is not fully operational, we will keep everyone posted on when it will be and look forward to seeing our renters return when it is safe to do so.

Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 24 starting at 7:30 pm. The meeting will take place in the Chateau Room at the Community Hall. You must have a valid Southwood Community Association membership to partake in the meeting and to vote for any new board members. If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, please look at the AGM advertisement in this newsletter. The meeting date is subject to change due to COVID-19, but we will do our best to let you all know ahead of time.

I have come to notice a lot of conversations being held on Next-Door and Facebook about issues happening in the community. The Board is here to help, and we want to help; however, we can only help if the issues are brought to our attention directly. We pride ourselves in having a great working relationship with our Ward Councillor, our Calgary Police Service representative and other branches with the City of Calgary. The Board is only an email or phone call away and if we band together, we have the power to make a difference!

Thanks everyone and enjoy the rest of summer!
