January – MLA Anam Kazim’s Report

Calgary Glenmore  e

Dear Constituents:

Happy New Year!

I hope all of you enjoyed the holidays with family/friends/loved ones. I would like to thank you all who came to our Holiday Party on December 08, 2017. We were very delighted to have you all and I immensely enjoyed our conversations.

I am pleased to share the fall highlights on my progress as your MLA and the Alberta government’s initiatives to make life better for Albertans.

Honourable Ministers’ Visit in Our Constituency: Over the course of the fall, Marlin Schmidt, Lori Sigurdson, Richard Feehan and David Eggen from the ministries of advanced education, seniors and housing, indigenous relations, and education respectively visited our constituency. I was happy to give them the tour of our beautiful constituency and arranged their meetings with constituents/stakeholders to discuss how we can serve and foster our communities.

My Participation in the Legislature: My motion to declare the first week of February as the UN Interfaith Harmony Week got passed unanimously. Also, I made a statement on the importance of Diversity and Inclusivity in our communities, and how we have been celebrating them. In addition, I co-sponsored Bill 31: A Better Deal for Consumers and Businesses Act to protect consumers from unfair practices and businesses from unfair competition. My participation in the house can also be watched on my Facebook and Twitter.

Education: Our government opened more than 50 schools this fall, expanded the school nutrition program to all school boards, eliminated the $1,000 fee for the agriculture program, Green Certificate (It is now free for all students), expanded the Dual Crerdit program to allow students in rural schools to take college programs, and increased funding to ensure 12,000 new students had teachers.

Economy: Alberta Agriculture’s food processing facility’ size in Leduc has been doubled-largest facility of its kind now.