Call for Volunteers: Help Plan Calgary’s Future for Older Adults!


If you have first-hand insight on living as an older adult or as a caregiver to an older adult, your experience and ideas are needed. Consider volunteering for the Older Adult Advisory Table (OAAT). Your expertise will be used to inform strategies and actions for the Age-Friendly Calgary Steering Committee, action teams and staff.

Your Role as a Volunteer

  • Inform and support strategic and action planning of the Seniors Age-Friendly Strategy in an advisory capacity.
  • Provide the perspective of older adults to help make Calgary more age friendly.
  • Share ideas and perspectives from your personal networks or social groups with OAAT.
  • Bring OAAT ideas and perspectives back to your personal networks or social groups.
  • Share information about Age-Friendly Calgary with people you know and support the vision of Age-Friendly Calgary.


  • Aged 45 or over.
  • Live in Calgary.
  • Passionate about your community.
  • Understand older adults’ needs now or in the future/ have experience as a caregiver.
  • Feel comfortable to share and to provide feedback in a group setting.
  • Commit to take part in monthly meetings and a two-year term.


  • Have your voice heard; help shape City programs and services.
  • Make connections and broaden your network.
  • Build and expand your skills.

Deadline for online applications is Wednesday, September 11. For more information visit


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