Celebrate Neighbour Day 2023


Join with your neighbours for the 10th annual Neighbour Day on June 17. Celebrate your community spirit and neighbourly kindness by having a block party or BBQ, organizing a cleanup, decorating your yard, gathering with neighbours for a fun sport activity, games, or kids’ crafts, or make up your own way to meet your neighbours and build community togetherness.

Neighbour Day started in June 2014 to celebrate the incredible outpouring of support and generosity of neighbours following the 2013 Calgary floods. Each year on the third Saturday in June, we continue to celebrate one of the things that makes Calgary such a great city — our strong and caring communities.

To help you celebrate on June 17, The City of Calgary is providing resources and support for residents to organize activities with neighbours, including waiving the fees for block party and greenspace permits. The permit application deadline is May 28. You can also request a visit from Mayor Gondek, your area Councillor, a police officer, or a fire truck. Visit calgary.ca/NeighbourDay to learn more.