Disc Golf: Fun for All Ages

City of Calgary

Disc golf is a popular year-round outdoor activity. It’s low cost, fun, easy to learn and can be played by all ages and abilities. The City of Calgary operates a number of permanent courses throughout the city, and some temporary ones – like North Glenmore Park.

Our city’s parks (especially those with disc golf courses) can get quite busy, so here’s a quick rundown of simple disc golf tips to ensure everyone enjoys their time outside.

  • Be aware of park rules and be courteous to all park guests. Be especially aware of kids and dogs, who might not be paying attention as they play.
  • Make sure the path is clear before you throw. Disc golf courses often share space with other park users who are walking, cross-country skiing, or biking. Double check before you toss your disc. And always yell, “fore!” to warn others.
  • Be aware of disc golf groups around you. Are you playing slowly? Invite faster groups to play through. Catch up to a larger group? Respectfully ask to play through.
  • Be a good sport. It’s only a game! (Did you know, that in sanctioned competitive play, bad manners of any kind are considered a “courtesy violation” which can lead to penalty strokes?)
  • Pack out any trash you bring on the course, and don’t litter.
  • Learn the official rules. A quick google can give you the lowdown.

Visit Calgary.ca and search “disc golf” for all locations in Calgary and more info!