How Your Property Tax Dollars Support Calgarians in More Ways Than One


During these unprecedented times, many Calgarians are facing financial challenges because of COVID-19.

To help you and your family, we’ve extended the 2020 tax payment deadline from June 30 to September 30 without a late payment penalty, meaning a 7% penalty will only be added to any unpaid balance on October 1, 2020.

Supporting Calgarians through the pandemic requires essential City services, including Police, Fire, and Transit, which are funded by your property tax. We want you to know that for every tax dollar we collect from homeowners this year, $0.63 goes towards supporting City services, while the remaining $0.37 goes to the province. Get a breakdown of how tax dollars are used to meet the daily need of Calgarians on

Property tax revenue shares were adjusted to 52% residential and 48% non-residential this year to provide long-term solutions to support Calgary’s local economy. This means that the typical Calgary household saw a small increase in their property taxes of 7.5% or $240/year.

  • $90/year provincial increase
  • $15/year provincial revenue decrease that reduced City revenues
  • $135/year municipal tax shift from non-residential to residential property owners

With fewer businesses’ properties than homes, the municipal tax shift means some local businesses have saved thousands, enabling them to keep their doors open and creating jobs for Calgarians. Overall, business property owners will receive a combined 12.07% tax decrease.

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